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CH3-Part 2 International Marketing Environment Analysis Ⅰ.Overview of Int’l Marketing Environment Ⅱ.Introduction of WTO the Rules of WTO About Markets Ⅲ.Analysis of International Cultural Environment Ⅳ.Analysis of International Economic Environment Ⅴ.Analysis of Int’l Legal and Political Environment Ⅲ. International Cultural Environment Analysis 1.About Cultural Environment A. What is culture? B. Elements of culture C. Importance of culture Culture is the sum of the “values, rituals, symbols, beliefs, and thought processes that are learned, shared by a group of people, and transmitted from generation to generation” Culture has been conceptualized as: ★ “Software of the mind” culture is a guide for humans on how to think and behave; it is a problem-solving tool (Hofstede) ★ An invisible barrier… a completely different way of organizing life, of thinking, and of conceiving the underlying assumptions about the family and the state, the economic system, and even Man himself” (Hall) ★ A “thicket” (U.S. Ambassador Hodgson) Language differences on the influence of international marketing General Motors production Nova brand cars, in the United States are very popular, but sold to Latin America which are little-noticed, the reason is that many countries in Latin America all speak Spanish. However, “Nova”is a word in Spanish translated as dont move” 美国通用汽车公司生产的“Nova”牌汽车,在美国很畅销,但是销往拉丁美洲却无人问津,原因是拉美许多国家都讲西班牙语。而“Nova”一词在西班牙语中译为“不动” Instead, “enterprise Benz” and “BMW” this two car brands are translated properly. “enterprise Benz” is translated as “奔驰”, and “BMW” is translated as “宝马“. “Benz and BMW give us a kind of quick feeling, this brand of car, let a person sounded comfortable . 相反,“Benz”和“BMW”这两个汽车品牌在翻译成中文时却翻译得恰到好处,“Benz”译为“奔驰”,“BMW”译为“宝马”,“奔驰”和“宝马”都给人一种快的感觉,这种品牌的汽车,让人听起来就舒服。 Religious beliefs to the influence of international marketing In 1994, McDonalds and Coca-Cola went against Saudi Arabia. 200 million pa


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