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Stories from the picture in the picture gallery at the entrance of the beginning. Print on the wall and show on the desk, there is a man gazing at the picture. The youth to see paintings in expanding, has arrived at the window there is a old woman under buildings and connected with them. 《画廊》 《有带子的立方体》 Tape is the concave and convex on how we perceive them intertwined with cube Visual cues. However, if we believe his eyes, then we cant Believe this band! 《Have a tape cube》 Convex and concave, ascending and descending, overlooking the relativity and heads up the perspective, at the same time in a picture of the physics, mechanics, and different viewpoints appears paradoxical visual feature space and construction of mixed together. The rules of plane segmentation image is visiting Spain escher habra palace after making prints. Will the same graphics match together, fill the whole plane. 《规则平面分割图》30年代 Low platform on the floor, stood a ladder, can be said to be indoors, two people are busy up. Soon they arrived at the higher layer, they are in the open space, but also have to re-enter into the building. Seems to be a long-term stay prisoners in the dungeon, one day, with his head suddenly pierced the rail in bemoaning his fate. Number crunchers 同一个场景不同视角的组合 多重空间 High and low 俯视 平视 仰视 The waterfall Is the last phase of eschers peculiar architectural style picture, according to Penrose triangle principle, he will be in cubic objects piled up on the building. This is the most remarkable and escher impossible architectural works. Chess Its excellent platform 作品欣赏 cyclists 自我复制和信息科学 Self-replicating and scientific information From the Angle of information theory said, we do is set up in such a manner, because every cell in our body in the form of DNA carries the us full information of the individual. On a deeper level, replicate itself is a kind of our cognitive reflect each other in the world and the result of the cross. 《互绘的手》 Escher


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