国际音标学习课件 终极.ppt

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国际音标学习课件 终极

[??] 这个音是由[?]向[?]滑动的双元音,但注意,由[?]向[?]很快滑动。[?]不要发成[?:]后普通话中的“乌”。 Reading I’m sure. I’m sure this is newer. I’m sure this is newer and purer. I’m sure this is newer and purer than the drink in that ewer. 一起来造句 ①新年时走亲访友我们总会收到很多红包,那么Lily也是, 她去拜访外公外婆时,也收到了红包。 She gets money. He meets her grandparents. ②作为心意,新年时Lily也给她的小伙伴们寄去了贺卡。 She sends some cards to her friends. She gets money. He meets her grandparents. She sends some cards to her friends. 这些s的发音是一样的吗? gets, meets, grandparents---------ts → /ts/ sends, cards, friends-------ds →/dz/ s [ts] 发这个音时,舌尖先贴住上齿龈,堵住气流,然后略微下降,气流随之泄出口腔。用中指和食指抵住喉头,体会一下声带不震动的感觉。[ts]是一个清辅音。英语中的[ts]和普通话中“次”的声母相似,但英语的[ts]送气更为有力。 Reading Kate’s cat sends gifts. Kate’s cat sends gifts to its friends. Kate’s cat sends gifts to its friends on Christmas. Kate’s cat sends gifts to its friends on Christmas every year. gets, meets , parents , its ,gifts 字母及字母组合:ts [dz] 发这个音的方法和发前一个辅音相似,舌端先贴住上齿龈,堵住气流 ,然后略微下降,气流随之泄出口腔。用中指和食指抵住喉头,体会一下声带震动的感觉。[dz]是一个浊辅音。英语中的[dz]和普通话中“资”的声母相似,但发[dz]时声带震动,发[z]时声带不震动。 Reading Richard’s hands are dirty. Richard’s hands are dirty and his friends are sad. Richard’s hands are dirty and his friends shake their heads. Richard’s hands are dirty and his friends shake their heads and say, we don’t want to play with you at weekends. sends , cards , friends ,hands , heads , weekends 字母及字母组合: ds Mike Nick Mike Micky Mouse enjoy, boy, boil, toy, oil 读一读,能不能发现关于发音上的相同点。 /??/ 看一看,这些单词都是哪些字母发的音。 oi oy [??] 这个音是由[?]向[?]滑动的双元音,开始部分舌位在[?]和[?:]之间。这个音发得较清楚,较长。然后,从[?]向[?]滑动。但不到[i]的舌位就停止了,后面的音发得较模糊,较短。发[??]口形从大到小,由圆唇变成扁唇。 Reading I am annoyed. I am annoyed at the boy. I am annoyed at the boy for spoiling the toy. I am annoyed at the boy for spoiling the toy which belongs to Joy. enjoy, boy, boil, toy, oil 字母oi ,oy常发/ ?? / father, mother, brother 读一读,能不能发现关于发音上的相同。 /e/ 看一看,这些单词都是


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