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Unit1 1.mortar n.研钵,臼 a small hard bowl in which you can crush substances such as seed and grains into powder with a special object. 2.grits n.粗玉米粉3.barley n.[u] 大麦,大麦粒 4.drind v.…….磨成粉 break or crush sth into very small pieces between two hard surfaces or using a special machine. 5.leaven adj. made light by aerating, as with yeast or baking powder; often used as a combining form 6.cauldron n.大气锅,大锅,煮皂锅 a very large pot that is used for boiling. 7.integral adj.必需的,不可或缺的 being an essential part of sth. 8.gastronomic adj.美食的,烹饪的 connected with cooking and eating good food.9.Cockaigne n.伦敦及其近郊,想象中的乐土 an imaginary land of luxury and idleness 10.cannibalism n.食人,嗜食同类 the practice of eating the fresh of your own kind. 11.figurative adj.比喻的,修饰丰富的,形容多的 1.(used of the meaning of words or text)not literal; using figures of speed. 2.consisting of or forming human or animal figures. 12.derived v. 1.从……r develop from sth 2.得到,获得 get sth from sth 3.从…… 13.subsistence n,[u]勉强维持生活 the state of having just enough money or food to stay alive. 14.tame adj. 1, ask.v. 驯化,驯服,使易于控制 to make sth tame or easy to control 15.gazelle n. 羚羊 16.reveal v. 1, nown to sb 2,显示,露出,展示 to show sth previously could not be seen. 17.depict v. 1,描绘,描画 to show an image of sb/sth in a picture. 2,描写,描述,刻画 to describe sth in words, or give an impression of sth in words or with a picture. .18.impure adj. 不纯的,不洁的,有杂质的 not pure or clean; not consist of only one substance but mixed with one or mo


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