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写好IELTS地图题所需的词汇与句型全集 两类地图题都常用的词汇与句型 表示A位于…… A is located … A is situated… A lies … A is just off the road to … (A就在通向某地的路边上) A is right at the center of … (A就在…的正中央) 提示:请切记lie表示位于某处的时候过去形式是lay而不是lied (lie只有作为说谎的意思时过去时才是lied) 表示A靠近或者紧挨着B A is next to / is near / is close / ★is right beside /★ is adjacent to B 提示:最后这个词比较正式,但很适合学术类作文 例句: The building is situated close to the centre of Edinburgh within a parking zone. 表示A在距离B某一面……的公里/英里处 A is located /★ is situated /★lies…kilometers/miles to the east / west / north / south of B 提示:这里的介词通常用to,而且在地道英语中有时侯这个to还可以省略,直接写A lies … kilometers /miles east of B 也很常见 表示A位于B内的某个部分 A is located /★ is situated /★lies in the eastern /western / northern/ southern part of B 提示:这个句型里的方位词一般用-ern的形容词形式 表示A位于B的某个角上 A ★lies / is located /★ is situated on /at the east /west / north/south / corner of B 提示:与上一句相反,在地道英语里这个的corner 前一般不用eastern等形容词形式而是直接用east等形式。 表示剩下的部分 The rest of the… 表示道路通向/河流流向某处 The road runs from … to … The river runs / flows from … to … 表示沿着河流/道路等 Along with river / road Alongside the river / road 表示A在道路或者河流的某一侧 A is located / is situated / lies on the north / south side of the river / the road 例句:Situated on the south side of the River Thames, this hotel offers its guest s an ideal location in central London. 提示:描述IELTS地图题中的河流时有时候还会用到the mouth of the river (河口) 这个词组。 表示A与B 仅一河之隔/仅一路之隔 A is right across from B 表示A在道路或河流的北/南端 A is located / is situated / lies on the north /south end of the river/ the road 另外: the tip of… 也经常用来表示平面图上某狭长的事物尽端 表示A在B的对面 A is opposite B 特别提醒:opposite 这个单词经常被国内同学们用错。在英文里这个词的用法很多样,但请牢记A is opposite to B / A is opposite of B 都是不地道的写法。在地道英语中opposite 自己就经常当介词用,这时候他的后面一定是直接跟宾语的,比如:there’s a car park opposite the hotel. 所以,请注意A is opposite B 是正确的句型,A is opposite to B / A is opposite of B 都不是正确的写法 表示A在B某一侧的边界上(A在B外) A is located/ is situated /lies on the eastern/western/northern/southern border of B 表示A在B某一侧的边缘上(A在B内) A is located/ is situated /lies on the ea


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