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Speaker:Wu ziyi Major:古代文学 An extremely shocking documentary. 最具震撼力的一部纪录片 Which power makes me to be a Vegetarian(素食主义者). Name:Earthlings (地球公民) Director:Shaun Monson Narrator:Joaquin Phoenix (解说员) Music: Moby Release time:2003 (上映时间) five years to produce 5年的时间拍摄制作 The film demonstrates in five ways just how animal shave come to serve mankind 1、Pets 2、Food 3、Clothes 4、Entertainment 5、Science One group of living beings anguishes beneath the hands of another. 一群生命在另一群生命的股掌之中受着煎熬与折磨。 THROAT SLITTING 切喉 Throat slitting, is still the least expensive way to kill an animal. 切喉目前仍是一种最便宜的屠杀动物的方式 The largest broiler companies in the world now slaughter more than 8.5 million birds in a single week. Some chickens and turkeys may be clubbed to death (被乱棍打死)or have their heads cut off. But most are brought through the assembly lines of factory farms.但多数是通过工业化农场里的流水线处置而死 Dangled upside down on a convey or belt, their throats are slitting, and they are left to bleed to death.把他们倒挂在传送带上喉咙被切开直至流血而死 Others may be placed head-first in tubes to restrict their movement while they slowly bleed to death.或是把头插在管子里以制止它们挣扎,然后,慢慢的流血而死 Every winter, thousands of dolphins are confined and brutally killed in small towns across Japan. Fishermen often injure a few captive dolphins with a spear thrust or knife slash ,since dolphins never abandon wounded family members. Mothers and babies call out as they are separated, soon to be mercilessly hacked to death. 捕猎者通常对海豚或刺或砍,因为海豚从不抛弃受伤的亲人 母与子被分开之后,悲伤的哀号,不久,毫无怜悯的被活活砍死。 Death by anal electrocution is a crude process that requires a probe to be inserted in the rectum while the animal bites down on a metal conductor 肛门电击是一种很残酷的方法 把一段电线插进动物的直肠而动物嘴巴里被塞进金属导体 Often times this procedure must be repeated to actually kill the animal. 为了彻底杀死动物这个残忍的程序会被重复好几遍 And the skinned carcasses seen here will later be ground up and fed to the animals still caged. 然后扒了皮的动物尸体被绞碎用于喂养笼里还活着的动物


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