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湖 南 科 技 学 院 电子工程系 设计题目:数字电压表的设计 系别:电子工程系 专业:电子科学与技术 班级:电科1102班 姓名及学号: 梁晶晶 201106003206 吴宁 201106003219 廖雪梅 201106003222 ??????????????????????????????????????????? 摘要 随着科学技术的发展,数字电压表的种类越来越多,功能越来越丰富,当然应用的领域也越来越广泛,给人们的工作和生活带来许多方便。本文主要介绍的是基于ICL7107数字电压表的设计的设计,ICL7107是目前广泛应用于数字测量系统是一种集三位半转换器段驱动器位驱动器于一体的大规模集成电路,ICL7107是目前广泛应用于数字测量系统的一种31/2位A/D转换器,能够直接驱动共阳极数字显示器,构成数字电压表,此电路简洁完整。ICL7107是目前广泛应用于数字测量系统是一种集三位半转换器段驱动器、位驱动器于一体的大规模集成电路,官地方官方主要用于对不同电压的测量和许多工程上的应用,调频接口电路,它采用的是双积分原理完成A/D转换,全部转换电路用CMOS大规模集成电路设计。应用了ICL7107芯片数码管显示器等,芯片第一脚是供电,正确电压时DC5V,连接好电源把所需要测量的物品连接在表的两个端口,从而可以在显示器上看到所需要的结果。本文阐述了硬件设计中具体的硬件结构和功能和软件设计中具体写入的程序还有相应的调试过程。 关键词:ICL7107芯片、数字电压表、31/2位A/D转换器 ABSTRACT With the development of science and technology, the type of digital voltmeter, more and more function more and more rich, of course, areas of application are increasingly being used to give people a lot of work and life easy.In this paper, is based on the design of digital voltmeter ICL7107 design, ICL7107 is widely used in digital measuring system is a set of three and a half drive digital converter section of the drive in one of the large scale integrated circuits, ICL7107 is a widely usedA digital measurement system at 31 / 2 A / D converter, able to directly drive common anode LED digital tube, enough for a digital voltage meter, this circuit is simple and complete.ICL7107 is widely used in digital measuring system is a set of three and a half drive digital converter section of the drive in one of the large scale integrated circuits, it uses the principle of complete double integral A / D converter, all conversion circuits for CMOS VLSI design.Application of the ICL7107 chip digital display and so on, the chip is the first foot-powered, correct voltage DC5V, connect the power supply to the items to be measured by connecting the two ports in the table, so you can see the need to monitor the results of.This paper describes the hardware des


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