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本科毕业设计(论文) 题 目 基于单片机的单相电压电流表设计 学生姓名 *** 学 号 ******** 教学院系 电气信息学院 专业年级 自动化2008级 指导教师 *** 职 称 副教授 单  位 电气信息学院 辅导教师 职 称 单  位 完成日期 2012 年 6 月 10 日 Southwest Petroleum University Graduation Thesis Microcontroller-based single-phase voltmeter ammeter design Grade: 2008 Name: *** Specialty: Automation Instructor: *** School of Electronics Engineering and Information 2012-6 摘要 本文讲述了单相电压电流表的设计过程。该单相电压电流表以51系列单片机为中央处理器,可同时检测电网交流电压和用电电流,并将测量值显示在数码管上。设计主要研究了四个方面的内容:交流信号采样与处理、模数转换、单片机应用与编程、数码管驱动与显示。由于基于单片机的数字电压表或电流表具有抗干扰性能好、精度高、可扩展性强、集成方便、还可与上位PC机进行实时通信,解决了传统指针式模拟电压电流表功能单一、精度低、不能满足现代数字化工厂生产要求等问题,因而具有现实的研究意义。 关键词:单片机;电压表;电流表;数据采集;模数转换;数码管 Abstract This article described the design process of the single-phase voltmeter and ammeter. This single-phase voltmeter and ammeter used 51 series microcontroller as its central processor. It could be used to detect the grid AC voltage and electric current, and the measured value was displayed in the digital tube. This article studied of four aspects: the AC signal sampling and processing, analog to digital converter, microcontroller applications and programming, digital tube drive and display. The microcontroller-based digital voltmeter and ammeter had a good anti-jamming performance, high precision, strong scalability, easy integration, and easy to communicate with the host PC in real time. It solved the problem that traditional pointer analog voltage ammeter was function shortage, low accuracy and failure to meet the requirements of modern digital factory production needs. So, it had a practical significance. Keywords: microcontroller; voltmeter; ammeter; data acquisition; analog to digital conversion; digital tube 目录 摘要 I Abstract II 目录 III 1 绪论 1 1.1 设计背景与意义 1 1.1.1 设计背景 1 1.2 电流电压表研究现状和特点 1 1.3 数字电压电流表的发展趋势 3 1.4 研究内容 3 2 方案设计 4 2.1 功能要求 4 2.2 系统框图构建 4 2.3 方案选型与论证 4 2.3.1 电压电流采集模块 4 2.3.2 信号处理模块 5 2.3.3 模/数转换模块 5 2.3.4 单片机控制模块 7 2.3.5 显示模块 7 3 硬件电路设计与元件选型 9 3.1 电压电流采集模块 9 3.1.1 电压采样 9 3.1.2 电流采样 9


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