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石河子大学毕业论文 题目:基督教主要分支的特点及对比研究 A Comparative Study On the Main Branches of Christianity and Their Features 院 (系): 外国语学院 专 业: 英 语 班 级: 2 班 学 号: 2012505008 姓 名: 丁 华 侨 指导教师: 渠 新 峰 完成日期: 2016年1月31日 Abstract Christianity as one of the three major religions, is established in Palestinian territories in the first century. In 392, Christianity became the state religion of the Roman Empire, Christianity subsequently obtained a great development. In 1054, Orthodox Church split with Catholicism. Influenced by the Renaissance and the Enlightenment, people gradually realize the importance of human. Protestant came into being under such background. These three branches distributed in various countries and regions, which has a very important influence in politics, economics and culture. The research shall find out the distinguished features of the branches and made a comparison between them, so that Chinese and foreign friends as well as English learners could know the characteristics and differences between the main branches of Christianity, and avoid the culture misunderstanding caused by the branches. Key words: Catholicism; orthodox church; protestant; features; comparison 摘 要 基督教作为世界三大宗教之一,于公元一世纪产生于巴勒斯坦地区。392年基督教成为罗马帝国国教,随后基督教得到了极大的发展。1054年东正教与天主教分裂。受文艺复兴,启蒙运动的影响,人们对宗教有了不同的理解,新教应育而生。三个派系分布在各个国家地区,在政治,经济,文化等方面具有非常重要的影响。本文通过对三个主要分支的研究,发现各个分支的显著特征,从而进行对比分析,能够让中外友人以及英语学习者理解基督教主要分支的特点及区别,减少因分支差异而产生的文化误解。 关键词:天主教; 东正教; 新教; 特点:对比 Contents I. Introduction 1 II. Literature Review 1 III. The Major Characters of Catholicism 3 A. The center of Catholicism 4 B. Catholic beliefs 4 C. The traditional Catholic seven sacraments 5 IV. The Main Features of Orthodox Church 6 A. Theology 6 B. Worship


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