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基础英语3期末复习材料 Unit5 Ⅰ.Explain in your own words the following sentences. 1.what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive. When we start to tell the first lie, we are likely to tell more to cover the first one. One lie will lead to another, then we will get ourselves in a complicated situation. 2.Psychological barriers wear down;the ability to make more distinctions can coarsen; the liar`s perception of his chances of being caught may warp. Psychological barriers become smaller and smaller. We tell lies without hesitation even if the deceit was uncovered. The liar wouldn`t take it seriously. 3.The most understandable and forgivable lies are an exchange of what ethicists refer to as the principle of trust for the principle of caring. According to ethicizes, the most forgivable and acceptable lies are based on principle of caring and love instead of trust. Ⅱ.Explain the underline part in each sentence in your own words. 1.The lies were most often not what most of us would call earth-shattering. very important to the world 2.According to DePaulo, women in their interactions with other women lied mostly to spare the other`s feeling. avoid hurting other`s feeling 3.And then there are professions—lawyers, pundits,PR consultant—whose members specialize in shaping or spinning the truth to suit client`s needs. modifying the fact 4.Philosopher Sissela Bok warns us that they can put us on slippery slope. something that can lead to serious consequence 5.Are all white lies to be avoided at all casts? under any circumstances Ⅲ.Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of given words. It is generally considered unethical for physicians to advertize.(ethics) The young actor was requested to speak in a feigned voice.(feign) We must be unsparing in our criticism of arms trade.(spare) Her hard experience has not coarsened her or made her cynical.(cynicism) Most shops are shut down during this confoundedly hot spell.(confound) The availability of credit lub


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