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外文资料译文 论文题目:从专业特点的角度谈对高技能人才的培养 专 业:工商管理 班 级:08级1班 姓 名:杨光琳 学 号:22号 指导教师:陶淑芬 职 称:教授 2012 年 1 月 3 日 Talk about the Cultivation of High-Skilled Personnel from the Angle of Professional Features Jinyu Wei , Aifen Sun Key Engineering Materials Vols. 439-440 (2010) pp 732-736 With the rapid and sustainable development of Chinas economic construction and adjustment of industrial structure, requires a lot of high-skilled personnel. At present, the shortage of high-skilled personnel in China, has become the bottleneck restricting industrial development. In this paper, from the angle of professional features of high-skilled professional, put forward specific policy proposals for the cultivation of high-skilled personnel, with a view to the cultivation of high-skilled personnel can have constructive significance and help. High-skilled personnel means that with the necessary theoretical knowledge, master of modern equipments, could master the difficult or critical movements in production and service areas, and have innovative high-quality workers, grasp the exquisite skills to solve complex, critical and super-normal ability to practical problems, some scholars believe that the connotation of the concept of high-skilled personnel should include five aspects: the necessary theoretical knowledge, practical experience, strong hands-on production capacity and to solve practical problems, innovation, good professional ethics. At present the total amount of Chinas high-skilled personnel, structure and quality still can not meet the needs of economic and social development, their culture system, evaluation, incentive, security mechanism is not perfect, high-skilled professional as an important part in technical team, for ensuring the rapid economic development plays a very importan


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