外研版-必修一-Module 6-the Internet and telecommunication导学案.doc

外研版-必修一-Module 6-the Internet and telecommunication导学案.doc

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外研版-必修一-Module 6-the Internet and telecommunication导学案

2016届英语学科导学案设计活页 ______年____期 第____周 班级: 学生姓名: 课题: Introduction, Module 6, Book 1 设计人: 使用教师: 学习目标: 知识目标Learn some new words and phrases: access, crash, keyword, log, software, breakdown; click on, log on/off, computer hardware, computer software 能力目标Develop the students’ speaking ability by talking and discussing. 学习重难点: To lead the students to talk in class actively To raise the students’ cooperation awareness in their study by pair work or group work 教学设计与反思 【课前导学】①Do you want to go surfing tomorrow? ( ) ②She spends hours every day just surfing the Net. ( ) ①On his way to the party, John crashed his car. ( ) ②He crashed his plane on landing, causing $ 9,000 of damage. ( ) ③When I chatted on the Internet, suddenly my computer crashed. ( ) ①The design can be stored on floppy disk. (软盘) ( ) ②Store the cake in an airtight container. ( ) ①Put another log on the fire. ( ) ②I logged on www. Sohu. com. to read the latest news. ( ) Task 3 To discussion: What can we do on the Internet? 【课中】 1. label …with 在……上做标记/贴标签 n. 标签 All cases should clearly the owner’s name.请把这些商品标上确切的价格。 2. type writer ; typist 3. ①separate ….from …(使事物或人与人)分离,分开 eg. England is separated from France by the channel. 老师把男孩与女孩们分开。 ②separate adj. 单独的,分开的 孩子们都睡在各自的床上。 We can’t work together any more; I think it’s time we went our separate ways. 注意与divide 的区别 The students in our class are divided into 8 groups. 4. contain 与include 辨析 ①contain 指作为组成部分而被“包含”或“容纳”在内。 ②incl


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