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七年级下册;What will schools be like in the future?;Module 4 Life in the future 未来的生活 Unit 1 Everyone will study at home. 每个人将会在家里学习。;Learning aims:;Words and expressions;/laIf / /ni:d/ /wIl/ /meIbi/ /ɑ:sk/ /kwest??n/ /baI/ ;水平 n.; Work in pairs. Look at the picture and describe it. Use the words in the box to help you.;There will be a computer on every student’s desk. The students will use computers and get information on the Internet There will be a computer on the teacher’s desk too. The teacher won’t use chalk to write on the blackboard. The students won’t use pens , paper or erasers any more.; Listen and choose Lingling’s answers to the questions.(P20);3. Will everything be different ? 4. Will students need computers at school? 5. Will they carry lots of books to school? ;Listen and check the true sentences for Daming and Betty.;;4. Betty thinks students will use computers ____________. 5. Everyone will have a _____________ on their desk. 6. Betty thinks the teacher won’t write on a blackboard _____________. 7. Tony thinks no students will __________________________.;Work in groups(小组). Talk about what the middle school will be like in twenty years. 小组讨论,对二十年后的中学学校设施及其学生如何学习进行设想,组长收集每位组员的想法,最后代表本组进行展示。;2、In 20 years’ time, maybe there won’t be any schools!二十年之后,也许一所学校都没有了! “in+一段时间”表示 “这一段时间之后”,常用于将来时。;3、Maybe there won’t be any school! 【辨析】 maybe may be (1) maybe 是副词,“也许”, maybe只能放于句首,不能放于句中,如: Maybe he won’t come. 也许他不会来。 (2) may be 是谓语形式,其中may是情态动词,be是连系动词,表示“也许是”、“可能会有”等。如: He may be a middle school student. 他可能是个中学生。 She may be watching TV now.现在她也许在看电视。 ;4、How will students learn then? then的意思有三个(然后、那么、那时候) Guess the meaning of them in the sentenses. (1)Then, lets begin!那么,咱们就开始吧! You like music,then I will give some CDs. (2) I went home for dinner and then went to the cinema. (3)I will be a middle school studente then. ;5、They can ask their teachers questions by Internet, telephone or email. 他们可以通过网络,电话或


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