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本模块以童话故事为题材,用故事贯穿模块,要求学生读懂故事,并能用一般过去式进行复述。而且很多童话故事都具有教育意义,可以让学生在阅读童话、学习英语的同时,促进对学生人格的培养。 第一单元的对话和第二单元的短文都围绕《金凤花姑娘和三只熊》这个传统的英文童话展开,能够激发这一年龄段学生的兴趣,而且语言简单易懂,描写细致生动,非常吸引学生。 故事的真正价值在于金凤花姑娘总是作出恰当的选择:她选择了“刚刚好(just right)”的那碗粥、那把椅子、那张床。西方文化学者在此基础上提出了著名的“金凤花原理(Goldilocks Principle)”,即:当你面临多重选择时,不要因为大小、长短、好坏等因素选择,而应该选择最合适的。 第三单元通过本模块所学的知识,让学生认识到叙述过去的事情要用动词的过去式,并会准确运用。 二、能力目标: 1. The Ss will be able to get information from the conversation about the fairy tale through listening. 2. The Ss will be able to retell the story by using the past tense of the regular verbs. 三、情感目标: The Ss will be able to love reading fairy tales. Read after the tape 关系词理解 1. Finally, she tried the small chair. It was nice and comfortable, but Goldlocks was very heavy and soon the chair was in pieces. 关系词理解 2. Goldilocks wanted to sit down because she was tried. 关系词理解 3. The Three Bears were all around her, so Goldilocks jumped out of bed and hurried out of the house without her basket. 1.目标检测M8U2 2. Rewrite the story with “first, then, next, finally After the lesson, Ss will be able to 1. summarize the past tense with past simple regular verbs. 2. consolidate the language points with some exercises. 3.Write a story with the pictures and words given. Warm-up Enjoy a flash: Goldilocks and the Three Bears Speaking 1. 目标 Unit 3 2. Refine your composition. 3. Review Module 8 构成规则 例词 1、一般在动词原形末尾加–ed walk walked pick picked push pushed 2、结尾是 e 的动词只加–ed live lived notice noticed like liked 3、结尾是“辅音字母+y”的词, 先变“y”为“i”再加–ed hurry hurried carry carried 4、末尾只有一个辅音字母的 重读闭音节词,先双写这 个辅音字母,再加–ed stop stopped plan


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