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生物技术通报 ··         BIOTE CHN OL OGY  B ULLE TIN         2001 5 cre/lox P 屈彦纯 邓昌彦 刘建忠 刘桂兰 (, 430070 )  : 由于具有时间、组织和位点特异性, cre 重组酶介导的DN A 重组已成 基因靶位操作的一个重要工 具。概述了cre/lox P 系统的作用特点, cre 重组酶的结构和重组机制, 表达载体构建及重组 个体检测等方面的问 题,重点介绍了cre/lo x P 系统在基因重组研究中的应用及近来的发展与成就。 : cre/lox P 系统 基因重组 基因靶位操作 Recent Progress in Research on Gene Recombination Mediated bycre/lox P System Qu Yanchun  Deng Changy an  Liu Jianzhong  Liu Guilan (College of A nima l S cience and Vet eri nary , H uaz hong Agri cul tura l Univ ersi ty , Wuhan 430070) Abstract: DNA Recombina ion media ed by cre recombinase has become an impo r an oo l for gene arg e ing be- cau se i is ime-specific, issue-specif ic and si e-specific.In his paper, he recombinen charac eris ics of he cre/loxP sys em, he s ruc ure of cre recombinase and i s recombina ion mechanism, he cons ruc ion of expression vec o r and he de ec ion o f he resul of recombina ion in cre/lox P sy s em is review ed.T he ul iliza ion of cre/lox P sys em and i s recen developmen and achivemen s are also in roduced as an impo r an aspec . Key w ords: cre/lox P sys em  DNA Recombina ion  gene arge ing   P cre 。 1 。 cre ,DNA , 。 , 1 cre/lox P , 。cre/ cre F LP ,, lox P cre lox p 。 In 。cre 38ku, lox p , (、、 cre 。cre [3] ) 。cre/lox P 、、。, 、( 1)。cre/lox P ES , ES loxp , , , [ 1] 。、 。 、 cre lo xp , 。 , 。cre/lox P 。、 , cre   :, 1975 , , 。 2001 5


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