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2010 9 echn ica l review T 朱 晗, 李光友, 孙雨萍 ( , 25006 1) : ( FRM ) , ; , ( DSPM ) , : ; ; ; : TM 351 :A : 1004- 7018( 2010) 09- 0073- 04 Developm ent and Researc Profile of Flux ReversalM ac ines ZH UH an, L I Guang - you, S UN Yu - p ing ( Shandong Unive sity, Jinan 250061, China) Abstract: Th is pape p esented a nove l doub ly sa lien t pe m anent m agne t machine called flux - eve sal m ach ine ( FRM ) . It has high pe fo m ance PM m ounted on the su face of the stato wh ich is easy to be se t and is su itab le fo h igh- speed applications. T he flux eve ses po la ities in the stato concent ated co ils w hich possesses h ighe powe density com pa ed w ith t aditiona lD SPM m achine. Ope ation p inc iple, the cha acte istic, the deve lopm ent as w e ll as the esea ch p ofile of such a the m ach inew e e g iven in this pape . K ey words: flux - ev e sal m ach ine ( FRM ); salient; pe manent m agnet ( PM ); to que 0 ( FRM ) 1 FRM , FRM 1. 1 , , , FRM DSPM , , , FRM , , , , , ( DSPM ) , , , , FRM , , 6 / 8 FRM , 1, FRM FRM


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