外研版必修三module3 1 Introduction and Listening.ppt

外研版必修三module3 1 Introduction and Listening.ppt

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外研版必修三module3 1 Introduction and Listening

earthquake 地 震 sandstorm 沙尘暴 volcano 火山 Plymouth(普利茅斯), the capital of Montsrrat(蒙特色拉特岛), is a small island in the Caribbean(加勒比海). 3. Is a volcanic eruption taking place now? 4. How many people have already left the island? Reporter: I’m standing in the centre of Plymouth, the capital of Montsrrat, where just one week ago, a volcanic eruption took place. With me is Frank Savage, the governor of the island. Mr Savage, thank you for talking to us. Savage: You’re welcome. Reporter: What exactly happened last week? Savage: Well, the volcano erupted, and ash and lava poured down the mountain towards the sea. Unfortunately, there are several villages in its path. Reporter: Thats terrible. Was anybody hurt? Savage: No. Luckily, we had plenty of warning and I told people who lived in the path of the ash and lava to leave the island. We managed to get half the population to another island before the eruption took place. Reporter: Why are you still here? Savage: Well, Im still working because theres a lot to do. Reporter: How many people live on the island? Savage: Eleven thousand people live here and about six thousand people have left. Reporter: Which areas are the most dangerous? Savage: Well, the most dangerous places are between the volcano and the sea. There are a lot of villages there. And it was very dangerous. Sadly, hundreds of houses caught fire when the lava reached them. Reporter: Oh, Im very sorry to hear that. Savage: Thankfully, no one was killed. Reporter: Are the houses still on fire? Savage: No. Fortunately, we put all the fires out quite quickly. Reporter: Thats very good news. Well, its a beautiful sunny day here in Plymouth. Does this mean that the danger is over? Savage: No! The volcano could erupt again! People must understand that it is still very dangerous and they cant go back to their houses. Reporter: OK—so thats the message from the governor —dont go back to your houses. When will people be able to return home? Savage: We dont


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