外研社英语Module 8 Unit 1.ppt

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外研社英语Module 8 Unit 1

1.She is from Zhejiang Province. She ____ from Zhejiang province two years ago. 2.I am a good student now. I ____ a good pupil in primary school. 3.There ____ (be) a new film yesterday and there _____ (be) lots of people at the cinema. 4.Lingling _____ (not) here last weekend .She _____ in Xian. 5.____ Daming born in Beijing ? No,he ____. 6._____ they at home this morning ? No, they ______. He lives in Dongyang now. He ______ in Yiwu three years ago. 2.She picks some flowers in the park. She _____ some flowers yesterday. 3.My father often likes watching films. My father _____ watching films last year. 4.Do you finish your homework? ____ you ____ your homework yesterday? No ,I ____. 5. He doesn’t have a picnic . He _____ have a picnic last week. 她摘了一些花。 She _____ (pick) some flowers. 2.她去森林里散步。 She _____ (go) for a walk in the forest. 3.她迷路了 She ____ (be) lost. 4.她向四周看看。 She _____ (look) around her. 5.她注意到一间小房子。 She ______ (notice) a little house. 6.她匆忙朝它走去。 She ______ (hurry) towards it. 7.她敲了敲门。 She ______ (knock) on / at the door. 8.她推开门。 She _____ (push) the door. 9.她进入房子。 She _____ (enter) the house. 10.她捡起大碗。 She _____ (pick) up the big bowl. True or false 1.She often went for a walk in the forest alone. 2.She didn’t know where she was. 3.She saw a big house . 4.She knocked the door only once. 5.There were some bears in the house. 6.She saw three bowls of food on the table. 7.She went into the small house. 8.She picked up the big one and ate it. 9.The big bowl of food was hot. 词组: 住在森林里 从前 匆忙地向— 决定做某事 捡起 向四周看看 金色头发 敲门 进入房间 推门 去散步 单独,独自 摘花 迷路 匆忙去做某事 等一会儿 向里面看 做完某事 写出下列动词的过去式: push- finish-- knock– notice- like- walk- stop- answer - enter- hurry- live - stay- play- decide- visit- Retell the story Once upon


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