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Is there anything in common from the two pictures in terms of professions? Try to guess these students’ majors in college from the gender in the following pictures? Gender Difference and Major Choice in Higher Education in China Listening Comprehension Pr. Vivian Wing-Wah Yam (任咏华)(China) She was the first woman to attend the Royal Institution in London, the first to hold a professorship at the Sorbonne, and the first woman to be a member of the French Academy. If this was not enough, she was the first woman to win the Nobel Prize, and then the first person to win it twice. With her husband Pierre Curie and Henri Becquerel, she received her first Nobel in Physics for studies of radioactivity. Her patient experiments had been inspired by a previous discovery of radioactive X-Rays. She discovered that such radioactivity could be found in poloniumand radium, elements that would form the basis for nuclear energy. In isolating those elements, she earned her 2nd Nobel in Chemistry. 1. How many firsts did Madame Curie establish as a woman of science? Madame Curie established five firsts as a woman of science. 2. Who helped her when she received her first Nobel in Physics for studies of radioactivity? With her husband Pierre Curie and Henri Becquerel, she received her first Nobel in Physics for studies of radioactivity. Warm-up Questions 1. Do you like your major in college? Why do you choose it? 2. If you were given another chance to make a choice, what major would you choose? 3. What is your career choice as a female or male? 4. Do you believe “A woman can learn anything a man can”? Part Division of the Text Grammar * 电子教案比赛 Text A A Woman Can Learn Anything a Man Can The professions they are in are closely related to their genders. major in English, Chinese, Radio and Television Journalism etc. major in Electronics and InformationTechnology, Mechanics,Computer etc. Gender and education is a topic of growing concern to teach


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