外研社课本Unit 1 Nice Canadians.ppt

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外研社课本Unit 1 Nice Canadians

Which is the national flag of Canada? A D C B The capital of Canada is ____. A. Seattle B. London C. New York D. Ottawa Which country is next to Canada? A. China B. America C. France D. Australia 北冰洋 大西洋 太平洋 阿拉斯加州 The Canadians speak ____. A. Chinese B. French C. English and French D. Chinese and French 1. Canadian people are _____. A. kind B. cold C. quiet 2. Canadians will _____ you in the street. A. say nothing to B. greet C. give something to 3. If you walk home in the snow, Canadians will _____ in their car. A. take you home B. make you warm C. say hello to you 4. You feel very warm with so many nice Canadians _____ you. A. around B. after C. before Choose the best answer. A B A A 1. Canadians are very kind. 2. Canadians often greet each other in the street. 3. Canadians only talk to old friends at a party. 4. If you walk in the street, Canadians will drive you home. Decide ture(T) or false(F). T T F F Canadians will come and talk to you like old friends, if they find you are new to the area. If you walk home in the snow, Groupwork. 1. 每组选出六名学生根据图片依次对文章进行复述,每位学生只能完成一句; 2. 每复述完整一个句子该组得一分。 in the street at a friend’s party walk home in the snow get to the cashier’s at the same time 中国人自古以来勤劳、勇敢、热情、好客,在待人接物方面有着与西方国家不同的习惯。我们是否也可以向外国朋友介绍一下中国人? Chinese people are warm. If you are going to visit them, they will cook delicious food for you. Chinese people are generous(大方的). If you go out for dinner with them, they will compete for paying. Homework: 1. Words(three times); 2. 仿照文章向外国朋友介绍中国人。 Fill in the form. Canadian people are nice, polite, kind and friendly. in the street say hello to/greet each other at a friend’s party come and talk to you like old friends get to the cashier’s at the same time let you pay first walk home in the snow give you a ride in their car/take you home in their car/drive you home In Canada, it is cold in winter


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