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Module 6;frightening;vt. 袭击,攻击;creature;vi. 存在;journal;sighting;adj. 神秘的;sharp;n.表面;claim;adj. 平静的;dive;sceptical;unlikely;火山的;cover;vi. 消失,不见;extinct;vi. 进化,演变;unpredictable;n.运气,命运,财富;monster;The Monster of Lake Tianchi;学习目标: 1. 熟练掌握本单元单词,读懂文章内容。 2. 利用阅读技巧,把握文章主线,判读信息正误。 3.通过学习自然界不解之谜,认识我们的世界,培养探索精神。;Listening;;Fast Reading;1. What does this passage tell us? A. The monster of Lake Tianchi. B. Something about travel in Tianchi. C. Some strange scenes of Lake Tianchi. D. Someone has seen the monster close up.;2. In the fourth paragraph,the underlined word in this sentence “Scientists, however, are sceptical.”means that _________. A. knowing something well B. knowing nothing C. having fun D. having doubts;3. What is special about Lake Tianchi? A. It is the highest volcanic lake in the world. B. It is the deepest volcanic lake in the world. C. It is the biggest volcanic lake in the word. D. Its average depth is 370 meters.;Careful Reading;Sighting 1;Sighting 1;Sighting 1;different opinions ;What do many people think about the monster?;;;Is the Lake Tianchi an ordinary one?;volcano ;; It is 2,189 metres _______ and ________an area of about ten square kilometres. In places it is more than 370 metres ________;Review;+1point;1. How many sightings of the monster does the article report?;2. Who saw the monster clearly, and why?;3. When was the monster first sighted?;4. What is special about Lake Tianchi?;5. Which description of the monster is most detailed?;6. Are the photos of Lake Tianchi Monster clear or not? Why or why not? ;Fill in the blanks.;A local photographer claimed that its head looked like a horse. And some soldiers has ever seen it _________ (move) on the surface of the water and found that it had a round head with 10-centimetre horns. Someone else had also noticed that the creature moved ________ (quick) through the water and then dived into it. Several minutes _________ (late), it appeared again and could be seen clearly because of the calm lake.; _


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