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Welcome To The Translation Course Teaching Contents: An introduction to the course of translation Teaching Focus: Definition and Nature of translation Criteria of translation Classification of translation Process of translation Requirements on the translator Teaching Methods: Discussion practice (group work, class work). Course Requirements: Warming-up He was then bright in the eye. 那时他眼里放出了光芒。 此时他已(喝得)酩酊大醉。 Calculation never makes a hero. 计算界从来没有造出英雄。 举棋不定永远成不了英雄。 Warming-up He is easily the best student in the class. 他很容易地成了班上最好的学生。 他绝对/无疑是班上最好的学生。(他比班上别的学生要好得多。) The stranger robbed his wife. 那个陌生人抢了他的妻子。 那个陌生人抢了他妻子的钱(东西)。 I can’t agree more. 我不能同意更多了。 我完全同意。(我举双手赞成。) Warming-up Her mother died of difficult labor. 她母亲劳累而死。 她母亲死于难产。 I won’t do it to save my life. 为了救自己的命,我不会干。 我(宁)死也不干。 I dare say he is honest. 我敢说他是诚实的。 我认为/我看/我觉得他是诚实的。 Warming-up They gave the boy the lie. 他们对男孩说谎。 他们指责男孩说谎。(他们指责男孩编造的这个谎言。) This is a very good price. 这是一个非常好的价钱。 真便宜。 She sighed for her mother. 她为她母亲叹了一口气。 他很怀念母亲。(她渴望见到母亲。) Questions for discussion 1. What is translation? 2. What is the nature of translation? 3. How many categories do you think translation can be divided into, and what are they? 4. As a translator, what competence should you have? 5. How can we learn the course well? 6. Are you interested in translation? 翻译历史 第一次是从东汉到唐宋的佛经翻译 第二次是明末清初的科技翻译 第三次是五四以前对西方政治、哲学和文学作品的翻译 第四次是建国之初的十几年(毛选翻译) 第五次是改革开放后西方学术著作和文艺作品的翻译 The definition in the old days “译即易,谓换易言语使相解也。”——贾公彦(618-907) 唐朝 “夫翻译者,谓翻梵天之语转成汉地之言。音虽似别,义则大同。”——法云(960-1279) 宋代 The British scholar Dr. Samuel Johnson once said: “To translate is to change into another language, remaining the sense.” Malcolm Cowley Translation is an art that involves the re-creation of a work in another language for readers with a different background. 吕俊 “翻译是一种跨文化的信息交流与交换活动,其本质是传播,是传播学中一个有特殊性质的领域。” 沈苏儒 “翻译是把具有某一文化背景的发送者用某种语言(文字)所表


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