外研社高中英语选修6 Module 6 introduction and reading.ppt

外研社高中英语选修6 Module 6 introduction and reading.ppt

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外研社高中英语选修6 Module 6 introduction and reading

Winston Churchill’s Speeches Extensive reading A: Read the passage and answers the questions. 1. Who was Winston Churchill ? 2. When did he live? 3. What did he do? 4. What is he famous for? Language points 1.promise (1) v. 允诺 eg. She promised him never to lie to him again. 她答应决不再对他说谎。 (2) vt.预示 eg. The clear sky promises fine weather. 晴朗的天空预示了好天气。 (3) n. 诺言,希望;成功的理由或预兆 eg. The news of the war brings little promise of peace. 战争的消息使和平无望。 n./pron to do sth promise sb to do that 从句 直宾+间宾 phrases: break a promise keep a promise make a promise 派生词: promising adj. 有希望的 promiser n. 做出允诺的人 promisingly adv. 有希望地,有出息地 2. encourage v. 鼓励, eg. They encourage the children to paint pictures. 他们鼓励小孩子画画。 sb to do sth encourage n./ pron 派生词: courage n.勇气,胆量 encouraging adj. 鼓励的,赞助的,鼓舞人 心的 encouragement n.鼓励,奖励 3. surrender (1)vt. 头像,屈服,使投降,放弃,交出 eg. We will never surrender ourselves to the enemy. 我们将永远不向敌人投降。 (2) n. 投降,屈服,放弃,交出 eg. Demand the surrender of all weapons. 要求交出所有的武器。 4. draw (one’s) attention to … (使某人)注意… eg. She tried to draw his attention to her new hat. 她试图让他注意她的新帽子。 Cultural Corner Cultural Corner As we know, war is a terrible thing to all the people in the world. Where there is a war, there are terrible things happening and people will suffer a lot from the war. Is there an influential organization which can coordinate(协调) world affairs and prevent wars from happening? The United Nations (the UN) The UN is an international organization which was founded in 1945 after World War II to replace the L


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