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内训必威体育官网网址资料 外贸尖锐问题回答 皓宇集团有限公司培训资料 面临的问题和困境 菜鸟销售 PK 资深采购 温柔体贴 PK 尖酸刻薄 优惠价格 PK 同行最低价 细心呵护 PK 同行诋毁 外贸尖锐问题 Are you a factory/manufacture or a trading company? I cooperate with factories only. 你们是工厂/生产厂家?还是贸易公司? 我们只跟工厂合作 How much is the tire? 你们的轮胎多少钱? Your price is too high, compared with xxx brand. Can you give me a lower price? 你们的价格跟xxx品牌比,简直太高了 I don`t care the quality. I need the cheapest price. All the tires’ made-in-China quality is same, why your price is so high? …… 让人无言以对的 尖酸,刻薄的问题。 外贸销售出路何在?? 思考~~ 外贸销售有没有灵丹妙药? 外贸销售有没有一劳永逸? 外贸销售有没有捷径? 没有? 有? 销售中什么最重要??? 人!!! 自己!! 外贸尖锐问题之—工厂VS贸易 Are you a factory/manufacture or a trading company? I cooperate with factories only. 你们是工厂/生产厂家?还是贸易公司? 我们只跟工厂合作 请你坚信客户只是这么随口一问,并且我们肯定比工厂做的还好!及时询问客户情况,转移话题,进行更加深入谈判。 We are factory!!! We are manufacture!!! 我们是工厂!!! 我们是工厂!!! A: We are a factory! Our truck tires factory was built in 2009. The current production of our tires is 8000 pcs per day….. Where are you from? B: We are a factory! We make investment /we invest money /moulds /technique in the factory. We are the partner of the factory. Our staff is around 2000….. C: We are a factory! We are in charge of the export of the factory. (如果卖别家产品不建议提工厂,危险系数大) D. We are a factory! 简单回答或者回避这个问题,转移话题 外贸尖锐问题之--价格 How much is the tire? Your price is too high, compared with xxx brand. Can you give me a lower price? I don`t care the quality. I need the cheapest price. All the tires’ made-in-China quality is same, why your price is so high? 第一步: 当刚开始见面就问价格时,请不要直接回答。需要了解客户采购的品牌,数量,付款方式,市场及目前供应商情况等,以便更加深入的了解客户。同时突出自身的优势。转移话题,将谈判被动变为主动。 What brands are you importing from China now? Are you importing from China now? Which brand? How many containers do you buy every month? What kind of payment term do you usually use? Where is your target market? How is your market? Do you have your own shop or distribute tires to other customers? 外贸尖锐问题之--价格 第二步: 大体了解之后,如果客户仍然回复价格高。首先,要询问客户是否有订单马上要确认?要采购多少数量?询问客户目标价格等. Do you have the order to pla


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