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Inside Address: Always include the recipients name, address and postal code. Add job title if appropriate. 信内地址:收信人的姓名、头衔、单位名称、地址、城市、国家名称、邮编. The formats of Inside Address: Date 02/01/03 not used 2002年 1月 3日 February 1, 2011 January 3, 2011 Chinese way American way British way To avoid confusion, it is a common practice to write months in words. The formats of Salutation : Salutation Dear Sirs, Dear Sir, Dear Madams, Dear Madam, Dear Sir or Madam, Gentlemen: Sir, Madam, Dear Mr. Morgan: Dear John: Dear Miss Green: Dear Messrs. Smith Brown: Dear Ms. White: Dear Mmes. Marian Bush: OR the Formats of Subject Line or Caption: Subject: Proposed delay of the delivery Re: Proposed delay of the delivery Proposed delay of the delivery In re: Invoice No. 1120 SUBJECT: ACCOUNT NO. 689 Body of the letter The body of a business letter typically has three paragraphs: 1.introductory paragraph 2.one or more body paragraphs 3.concluding paragraph The Opening and Conclusion of English Business Letters 信函开头一般为两大类: (1) 主动与对方联系: We take the liberty to introduce ourselves as… To give you a general idea of our products… We are specialized in the above business… (2) 回复信件: We are pleased to reply to… Please accept our thanks for… With reference to … As requested… In accordance with… The formats of Corresponding Complementary Close: Close Faithfully yours, Yours cordially, (formal) Yours truly, Truly yours, (formal) Respectfully yours, Yours respectfully, Sincerely yours, Yours sincerely, (less formal) The formats of Signature: Yours faithfully, CHINA NATIONAL IMPORT EXPORT CO., LTD. (signature) George Morgan Yours faithfully, Per Pro (or P.P.) CHINA NATIONAL IMPORT EXPORT CO., LTD. (signature) George Morgan Unit1-3: Seven Guidance of Writing English Business letters (英语商务信函写作的“7C”原则) 1.清楚(Clarity) 2.简洁(Conciseness) 3.正确(Correctness) 4.具体(Concretenes


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