多文体阅读Lesson 6 Blackmail.ppt

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多文体阅读Lesson 6 Blackmail

56. …fall victim to some sharp-eyed policeman. --to be seen and arrested by an observant and alert policeman * fall victim to (phrase): to become a victim of something; to be injured, damaged or killed by… e.g. Many plants have fallen victim to the sudden frost. 57. …back roads. --back adj. unfrequented, out of the way 偏僻的 a back way to the graveyard; a back settlement 58. ..complication n. --something that makes a situation more complicated or difficult e.g. The bad weather added a further complication to our journey. *secondary roads --a minor road, a road that is of a lower class than that of a main road 支路、支线 Compare: primary road 干线 59. …would betray them. --betray sth / yourself: to tell sb or make them aware of a piece of information, a feeling, etc. usually without meaning to 流露,泄露 e.g. The tremor in his voice betrayed his nervousness. She was terrified of saying something that would make her betray herself. 60. Well fixed -- quite rich 61….unequivocal adj. completely clear and without any possibility of doubt e.g. The answer was an unequivocal “No”. one’s clear and unequivocal attitude. 62. …peremptorily she cut him off… *peremptory: expecting to be obeyed immediately and without question or refusal 强硬的,不容分辩的 e.g. The letter was peremptory in tone. 63. …respite n. --a short break or delay allowed before something unpleasant must be done 暂缓 e.g. We have a few days’ respite before we need to pay the rent. 64…. Eyes bored into him. *bore v. to make a long, deep hole with a tool or by digging 钻、凿 * (of eyes) bore into sb /sth: to stare in a way that makes sb feel uncomfortable 65. sullenly, he complied * sullen adj. silently showing anger or bad temper 面有愠色,闷闷不乐 *comply: v. to do what you have to do or are asked to do; to obey a rule, an order, etc. e.g. They refuse to comply with the UN resolution. 66. …vacillation or dallying…smallness of mind. *vacillation: wavering; changing * dally: to take too much time making a decis


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