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Political Correctness Early in 1993,Maryland discovered (that it had a problem)[ when someone noticed(that the state motto Fatti maschii , parole femine (“Manly deeds, womanly words”),was not only odd and fatuous, but also sexist.)] Object clauses Adverbial clause Object clauses 1993年初,马里兰州的人们发现,他们的州训Fatti maschii, parole femine(形如绅士,言如淑女)有问题。这句话不仅古怪迂腐,而且带有性别歧视。 Now when Marylanders see Fatti maschii, parole femine, they are to think,”Strong deeds,gentle words.” 现在,马里兰州的居民们再看到这句话时,应该这样理解:“行有刚强之气,言有柔和之美。” ? 表示将来的表达方法有哪些? will, be doing, be going to, be to do, be about to do的区别 will 侧重于确信某事会发生 be to do?侧重意志,计划,安排(含双方事先约好的意思) be going to ?侧重打算,想法, be about to ?表最近的将来,后面不接时间状语be doing 侧重于已安排好的事情 Eg:1.You will be using your professional skills during those eight hours. 2.The next morning I was to start for the West to make my fortune. 3.Your days are going to average out to about twenty-four hours. 4.I was about to go out when it began to rain. 5.They are leaving for Guangzhou this afternoon. In fact, however, almost nothing in recent years has excited more debate or awakened a greater polarity of views than the vaguely all-embracing issue that has come to be known as political correctness. 然而事实上,后来被称为“政治纠偏”的·这个貌似无所不包的概念,在近些年里所引起的争论、所造成的意见相左,却无出其右。 Since that time, the newspapers and journals have devoted acres of space to reports that have ranged , for the most part, from the mildly derisive to the openly antagonistic. 从那时开始,大大小小的报章杂志纷纷辟出大块版面讨论此事。讨论中温和的嘲讽,也有公开的抨击。 Most of the arguments distill down to two beliefs: that the English language is being shanghaied by people of linguistically narrow views, (threatening one of our most valued constitutional freedoms), and that their verbal creations are burdening us with ludicrously sanitized neologisms( that are an embarrassment to civilized discourse). Appositive clause Appositive clause Subject clause 译文: 众多观点归纳起来不外乎为两条主要意见。一是认为英语语言正在被一帮持狭隘观点的人挟入歧途,业已威胁到了宪法所赋予的最宝贵的自由之一; 二是认为他们造词的结


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