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Common Errors; Introduction Main body Conclusion;Paraphrase ;同义替换;改词性结构;Exercise; Introduction Main body Conclusion;Line Chart;The chart below gives information about the gold sales in Dubai in 2002.;rise, increase, grow, climb;剧烈 sharp, steep, marked, dramatic, significant (dramatically) 缓慢 slight, moderate, gradual, steady, minimal (steadily) 达到顶点 reach the highest point, reach a peak of, peak at 达到低谷 hit the lowest point, bottom out ; ; ; ; ; ; ;The graph below shows the proportion of the population aged 65 and over between 1940 and 2040 in three different countries. ;多条曲线描写;As far as Japan is concerned, there was a slight drop in the percentage of aging population from 5% in 1940 to approximately 3% in 1960, followed by a leveling off until 1990. ; the proportion increased and is expected to rise sharply to 25% in 2030, ;From 1940 to 1990, the proportions of the aging population in the USA and Sweden were similar and followed the same trend. ;In 1940, the figures stood at 9% in the USA and 7% in Sweden, and grew to 15% and 14% respectively in 1980, before falling to 14% and 13% each in 1990. ;After remaining constant, the USA is predicted to witness a steady growth to just under 25% in 2040. ;However, in spite of some fluctuation, the predicted period in Sweden is likely to see an upward trend, ;Overall, the percentage of elderly people in all three countries is forecast to increase to almost 25% by the year 2040. ;rent and food 100 ; 1. 60% of money is spent on rent. 2. There is 60% of money spent on rent. ; 3. The percentage of money spent on rent is 60%;4. Money spent on rent accounts for 60% of the total. ;四种表达百分比;;最值 倍数 组团打包;比较差异;比较级;倍数关系;According to the graph, the Middle East is the largest oil producer (22.2 MB/D), while Europe is the region which produces th


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