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GAIA/GAEA 大地之神 a primordial Greek goddess By 林鑫、谢婕 Chaos Gaia marry Uranus(Gaia’s son) ?the Titans & the Cyclopes *Titan:Any of a family of giants, the children of Uranus and Gaea who sought to rule heaven and were overthrown and supplanted by the family of Zeus. Gaia is Zeus’s grandmother. Greek Roots ?ge-(土地):geography地理学;apogee远地点;perigee近地点;geometry几何;geology地质学;geocentric地心的;geothermal地热的; gn-(产生):ignite点火;pregnant怀孕; gar-(花):garish花哨;garb服饰;germ萌芽,细菌;germinate发芽; To protect her children from her husband, Gaia hid them all within herself. Uranus was aghast at the sight of his offspring so he hid them away in Tartarus, which are the bowels of the earth. Gaia herself found her offspring uncomfortable and at times painful, when the discomfort became to much to bear she asked her youngest son Cronus to help her. She asked him to castrate Uranus, thus severing the union between the Earth and Sky, and also to prevent more monstrous offspring. To help Cronus achieve his goal Gaia produced an adamantine sickle to serve as the weapon. Cronus hid until Uranus came to lay with Gaia and as Uranus drew near, Cronus struck with the sickle, cutting the genitalia from Uranus. Blood fell from the severed genitals and came in contact with the earth and from that union was born the Erinyes (Furies), the Giants and the Meliae (Nymphs of the manna ash trees).? 克罗诺斯年纪最小,却最为勇敢而又最有智谋的一个。这个时候他们的父亲乌拉诺斯已经战胜大地女神该亚,成为宇宙的主宰,该亚则成为他的王后。这对夫妻又生下了独目巨人和百臂巨人。这些巨人刚生下来就力大无比,乌拉诺斯非常害怕他们会对自己的地位构成威胁,就把他们藏在一个秘密的黑暗之地。作为母亲的该亚非常愤怒,就唆使儿子克罗诺斯阉割了乌拉诺斯。 Gaia & Uranus Gaia &Pontus/Tartarus After the separation of the Earth from the Sky, Gaia gave birth to other offspring, these being fathered by Pontus. Their names were the sea-god Nereus, Thaumas, Phorcys, Ceto and Eurybia. In other versions Gaia had offspring to her brother Tartarus; they were Echidna and Typhon, the later being an enemy of Zeus. Apollo killed Typhon when he took control of the oracle at Delphi, which Gaia originally provided, and then


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