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Passage 1 An attack on civilization A strong feeling of sympathy and good will around the world It has launched wars which caused a lot more innocent deaths Life is equally valuable to every human being stop causing more innocent deaths in other parts of the world Keys to the Exercises of EEB Read Explore Passage 2 D A B D C Keys to the Exercises of EEB Read Explore 6. Turned to; turned to 7. Keep up with 8. Reached out 9. Is pulling out 10. Look on/upon Ⅰ. laid down torn apart filling…up 4. Retreated into 5. Come to Keys to the Exercises of EEB Language Practice 6. Take an action 7. Mourn oue’s death 8. Explode a bomb 9. Condemn an attack 10. Seek protection Ⅱ. shed blood spread an ideology disrupt a meeting 4. Adapt technology 5. Harbor a terorist Keys to the Exercises of EEB Language Practice Ⅲ. Working long hours will inevitably lead to bad health sooner or later. In spite of the personal participation the President, the conference divided on this opinions. This government was a threat to whatever he held dear. He didn’t have any idea of how Peter reacted to the president’s decision to dismiss him. Keys to the Exercises of EEB Language Practice Ⅲ. He looked upon her kindness towards the children as no more than a compensation for her failure to bring them up. If you continue to drink alcohol like mad, you will end up in hospital one day. Keys to the Exercises of EEB Language Practice Ⅳ. 无论是在纽约大街上还是华盛顿大厅里,无论是学生,普通百姓还是总统,我们已经看到无数人为之流泪、动情。 然而我们也听到许多关于报仇雪恨的谈论,以及民众要求政府立即作出反应、用武力回击恐怖分子和那些庇护他们的人的强烈呼声。 我们没有足够理由仅仅去哀悼我们的同胞而不悼念那些在拥挤的餐厅而死去的年轻的以色列人,或者那些在加沙地带和约旦河西岸,黎巴嫩南部和巴格达无辜死去的男女老少。 Keys to the Exercises of EEB Language Practice Ⅲ. 在过去的40年里, 我们成功改变了世界局势,其直接原因是我们和平利用技术和充分


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