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* * 西游记 取经 圣经 唐三藏(经、律、论) Lecture 1 Overview on Translation 演讲者:余建军 毕业于上海外国语大学高级翻译学院 翻译过程: 一个人----理解?翻译?修饰?定稿 集体----玄奘(译场) 意思(Meaning): Lecture 2 Process of Translation 意思(Meaning): 表层意思(literal) 逻辑意思(logic) 深层意思(further) 背景意思(background) Ex: Goldman Sachs(高盛)reached an agreement with another investment bank in July 22 in New York. Ex: Goldman Sachs(高盛)reached an agreement with another investment bank in July 22 in New York. Lecture 3 Conversion of Parts of Speech Root Definition: The root is the primary lexical unit of a word, which carries the most significant aspects of semantic content and cannot be reduced into smaller constituents. Lecture 3 Conversion of Parts of Speech Ex: vig/vit/viv i.e. life vital vivid vitality revive survive vigor vitamin vivacious Lecture 3 Conversion of Parts of Speech Translation practice: Samsung 3Q earning likely to fall from record SEOUL, South Korea (AP) -- Samsung Electronics, the worlds biggest seller of computer memory chips, forecast Thursday that third-quarter operating profit likely eased from the previous quarters record high amid signs that growth in global demand is waning Lecture 3 Conversion of Parts of Speech Translation practice: The Suwon, South Korea-based company expects consolidated operating profit of between 4.6 trillion won and 5 trillion won ($4.1 billion to $4.5 billion) for the three months ended Sept. 30, it said in a statement. Lecture 3 Conversion of Parts of Speech Translation practice 2: Eurostar chooses Siemens to build new trains LONDON (AP) -- Eurostar International Ltd., which operates high-speed trains between London and the European continent, said Thursday it will buy 10 new trains from German manufacturer Siemens in a 700 million pounds ($1.1 billion) program to upgrade and expand its fleet. Lecture 3 Conversion of Parts of Speech Translation practice 2: Eurostar said the new 900-passenger trains would be capable of operating anywhere on Europes high-spe


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