大学英语 book3 Summary of unit2.ppt

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大学英语 book3 Summary of unit2

Summary of Text A Unit 2 Book 3 Summary of the Text 1. 地下铁路是由那些帮助黑奴逃往自由之地的英雄们努力创建的。 2. 在这些曾帮助把奴隶运送到北方的英雄当中,有些人以前自已就是奴隶。 3. 另外一些白人“列车员”由于其根深蒂固的信仰, 觉得自己不能不参与其中。 4. 对许多参与者来说,把奴隶从剥削者那儿解放出来成了他们的使命。 5. 当然,他们的最终目的是彻底废除奴隶制度。 Summary of the Text 1. 地下铁路是由那些帮助黑奴逃往自由之地的英雄们努力创建的。 Summary of the Text 2. 在这些曾帮助把奴隶运送到北方的英雄当中,有些人以前自已就是奴隶。 Summary of the Text 3. 另外一些白人“列车员”由于其根深蒂固的信仰, 觉得自己不能不参与其中。 Summary of the Text 4. 对许多参与者来说,把奴隶从剥削者那儿解放出来成了他们的使命。 Summary of the Text 5. 当然,他们的最终目的是彻底废除奴隶制度。 Chinese English Phrases Unit 2 Book 3 From Chinese into English 纪念 清风微拂 坚信 平等 家族荣誉 具有讽刺意味的是 奋起力争 有原则的人 in honor of/honor (v.) a gentle breeze sweeps be confident of / that have confidence in All men are born equal. family honor Ironically stand up for a man of principle From Chinese into English 历史遗迹 繁重使命 无所畏惧的人们 秘密网络 民权斗争 计划开幕 做兼职 historic site a large mission courageous people a secret web civil-rights struggle be scheduled to open do a part-time job From Chinese into English 有朝一日 阴冷的夜晚 丧魂落魄的逃亡者 逆来顺受的人 留下,落后 痛苦的经历 宗教信仰 someday chilly night fugitives frozen with fear the long-suffering man leave behind painful experiences religious conviction From Chinese into English 课以罚金 记录,记日志 秘密记号 在夜色掩护下 废除 遭受毒打 冒着极大风险 尽量利用 impose a fine keep a log of secret signs under cover of night abolish be harshly beaten at huge risk make the best of * * The Underground Railroad was forged by the heroes who helped slaves to escape north to liberty. Among these heroes who helped to transport slaves to the north and freedom, some of them were former slaves themselves. Other white “conductors” felt compelled to take part (in it) because of their deeply held convictions. For many of those involved, liberating the slaves from those who exploited them became a mission. Certainly, their eventual goal was to abolish slavery completely. Useful Expressions *


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