大学英语 until 6.ppt

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大学英语 until 6

Until 6 Elegant 英 [el?ɡ?nt] 美 [??l?ɡ?nt] adj. (人或其举止)优美的;漂亮的;简炼的 Application 英 [??pl??ke??n] 美 [??pl??ke??n] n. 适用,应用,运用;申请,请求,申请表格;勤勉,用功;敷用,敷用 1. They filed an application to have their case heard early. 他们申请早日审理他们的案子。 2. The regulation has no application to this particular case. 那项规则不适用于这一特定情况。 3. Next week is the deadline for sending in your application. 呈递申请书的截止日期是下星期。 impulsively英 [?mp?ls?vl?] 美 [?mp?ls?vl?] adv. 易冲动地 1. She leant forward and kissed him impulsively. 她倾身向前,感情冲动地吻了他。 2. Every good, true, vigorous feeling I had gathered came impulsively round him. 我的一切良好、真诚而又强烈的感情都紧紧围绕着他涌现出来。 3. Bertha impulsively rushed up to her husband and kissed him. 伯莎兴冲冲地奔向她丈夫并吻了起来。 Substitute 英 [s?bst?tju:t] 美 [?s?bst??tut, -?tjut] vt. vi. 代替,替换,代用 n. 代替者;替补(运动员);替代物;[语法学]代用词 vi. 用…替代 1. Pauls father only saw him as a substitute for his dead brother. 保罗的父亲只是把他当作他死去的哥哥来看待。 2. Second again, we shouldnt substitute our personal feeling for policies. 其次,我们不应该拿个人感情代替政策。 3. Can you substitute for the singer who is ill? 你能替一下那位得了病的歌手吗? Professional 英 [pr?fe??nl] 美 [pr??f???n?l] adj. 专业的;专业性的;职业的 n. 专业人士 1. Do you belong to any professional or trade associations? 你参加了专业学会或行业协会没有? 2. He maintained a professional demeanour throughout. 他始终保持着专业人才的风度。 3. His informants were middle-class professional women. 他的合作者是中产阶级职业妇女。 Talent 英 [t?l?nt] 美 [?t?l?nt] n. 天资,才能;天才,人才;塔兰特,古代的一种计量单位,可用来记重量或作为货币单位;旧,非正式性感的人 网 络 1. a constellation of Hollywood talent 一群好莱坞天才 2. At the age of five he showed exceptional talent as a musician. 他五岁时就表现出非凡的音乐才能。 3. The team has a wealth of home-grown talent. 该队有很多自己培养的人才。 Bible 英 [ba?bl] 美 [ba?bl] n. 圣经;有权威的书 1. According to the Bible we are all the seed of Adam. 根据《圣经》所说的,我们都是亚当的后裔。 2. A holy person is required to read the Holy Bible. 圣徒必读《圣经》。 3. The raconteur mentioned that the quotation was from the Bible. 说故事的那位来宾,指那句话是出自圣经! Definition 英 [?def??n??n] 美 [?d?f??n???n] n. 定义;规定,明确;[物]清晰度;解释 1. They concentrated o


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