大学英语 unint7 正文 浙江农林.ppt

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大学英语 unint7 正文 浙江农林

Text Study in Groups Group 1 New words Phrases Group 2 Outline Group 3 Para.12 Group 4 Para.34 Group 5 Para.56 Group 6 Para.78 Group 7 Para.910 Group 8 Para.1112 Group 9 Para.1314 Group 10 Para.15Summary Requirements 1. 每组需制作PPT,将组员姓名及每个人负责的内容写在PPT中。 2. 小组互评。以85分为基础,如果觉得该组准备充分,讲解清晰、有趣,从中受益,可加1~10分;反之,觉得该组准备不足,讲解含糊、无趣,浪费时间,可减1~10分。 3.其他组讲解时,每提出一个有实际意义的问题,可为本组加1分。 4. 课件仅供参考,不必拘泥于其形式和内容。 5. 负责词汇的小组请注意,老师的课件中出现的单词不必详细讲解。 * Text structure Two things that I was dissatisfied with (Para. 1-3) My job My engagement Purpose of my trip (Para. 4-6) To transform myself Process for change (Para. 7-14) I created a mindset that made me ready for change. I insulated myself from the usual influences in my life and the people whose approval was most important. I structured my time in order to produce change and growth. I pushed myself to experiment with new ways of being. I made public commitments of what I intended to do, so it would be harder to back down. F. I processed my experiences systematically. G. I made changes when I returned that continued the transformation that started while I was in Aruba. Conclusion (Para. 15) I would continue going on transformative trips to keep my growth in the future. Language points Comments Understanding Sentences 1. The future appeared as much like a wasteland as the emptiness I could see while looking back to the past. Translation 我的未来看起来好似荒漠,就像回顾过去时,看到的是一片空虚。 Paraphrase The future seemed to be an empty wasteland just like the empty past that I had experienced. Notice here “I could see while looking back to the past” is an attributive clause modifying “the emptiness”. “While looking back to the past” is an adverbial of time in this attributive clause. Back to the text 1.commitment (n.) (Line5, Para. 2) commit (v.) (CET4词汇) 1) 做(错的、坏的或非法的事);犯 2) 将某人【某事物】置于(某状态)或交 与或转交(某处)保留、处理等 3) 承担义务;向某人保证 请用下面的提示


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