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大学英语IV1-5单元课文的新四级题型练习汇总 2014-3-12 【说明】 该资料由大学英语二年级教研室团体老师提出建议后汇编而成。请各位老师参考使用于课堂教学,课后作业布置、以及期末考前复习。 根据2013年四级考试新增题型(阅读理解的“完成信息匹配题”、段落翻译题),以及写作题型,本教研室针对大学英语III教材《21世纪大学英语综合教程4》的第一至第五各单元的Part A课文进行新四级题型练习设计,现汇总如下: Unit 1 完成信息匹配题(出题者:孙穗平) Direction:Reading the following statements that contain the information of one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose one or more than one paragraph. You may choose one paragraph for more than once. A. Todd believes it is not just the recession that makes people into DIY because it can add great value to our home and be easy to get information and advice. B. Paterson finds 53% of people are afraid of DIY owing to the lack of confidence. C. Chris Tidy advises people should assure the right tools for DIY job. D. A DIY website spokesperson advises that people should prevent DIY from gas and electrics if they don’t have any training.. E. Sylvia Marshall believes we should trust our gut instinct and don’t blame ourselves when things go wrong. F. Paterson advises people should be aware of the time they need for the DIY job. G. One of the biggest obstacles to DIY is the potential for damage. keys: A-4, B-5, C-7, D-9, E-12, F-6, G-8 段落翻译题(出题者:梁凌、田晓燕) 自己动手女(do-it-herselfer或handywoman)指能将家中部分或全部维修、维护及修筑类工作自己动手搞定的女性。位于美国坦帕的美国家居修饰研究所( Tampa-based Home Improvement Research Institute )表示,女性在所有自制类购物者中所占的比例超过三分之一。越来越多的女性更愿意将周末休闲时光用在家庭装修项目上,而不是去购物或下厨。 Suggested Answers: Do-it-herselfer (also called a handywoman) refers to a woman who performs some or all of her homes repair, maintenance, and construction jobs. According to the Tampa-based Home Improvement Research Institute, women now account for more than a third of all do-it-yourself purchases. More women prefer to spend their weekend leisure time working on a home improvement project than shopping or cooking. 作文(出题者:梁凌、田晓燕) Direction: Look at the pictures on P12 , arrange them in the proper order and describe the process. You should give


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