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Electronic Teaching Portfolio Book Two Unit One: Living in Harmony Part I Get Started Section A Discussion ▇ Sit in groups of threes or fours and discuss the following brainstorming questions. You are now living on campus. How do you get along with your classmates? Are you willing to help out a stranger? Why or why not? Do you think it possible to be a true friend to someone whose name you don’t know? ▇ Answers for reference: A possible answer: I get along with my classmates pretty well. We help each other and take good care of each other. When anyone is in trouble or difficulty, we do all we can to lend a helping hand. I love campus life. I believe that the time spent in this university will be an unforgettable experience in my life. Possible answers: a. To be honest, with all the stories about how certain individuals take advantage of people’s kindness and how people set out to help out a stranger but end up getting into big trouble, I would think twice before helping out a stranger. b. I am willing to help out a stranger, even if it means I would get myself into trouble, because I would feel bad if I passed by someone in need. After all, we’re not living on a one-man island. We need to rely on each other’s kindness. What’s more, I believe most people on earth are good and they do not take advantage of others’ kindness. A possible answer: Yes, I think so. True friendship lies in the communication between souls, and you don’t have to know the person’s name in order to know the soul. Section B Quotes ▇ Study the following quotes about kindness. Which quote do you like best? Why? ▇ Albert Einstein ⊙The ideals which have lighted my way, and time after time have given me new courage to face life cheerfully, have been Kindness, Beauty, and Truth. The trite (陈腐的) objects of human efforts — possessions, outward success, luxury — have always seemed to me contemptible (不值得一顾的). —Albert Einstein Interpretation: What gives me the courage to fac


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