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Unit6 Prepare for the Earthquake Task 1 watch the video and try to talk about the earthquake Task2 get to know the common sense about earthquake Task3 vocabularies and phrase 地震自救小常识 经受不住艰难困苦考验的友谊不可能长久。 Any friendship that can’t withstand the trial of hardships is not likely to last long. the joints of the pipes finger joints a joint communique a joint effort a joint account joint decision joint author joint responsibility joint venture 4. joint n. 1) a place where two things are fixed together 2) the place where two bones are connected a. belonging to or shared between two or more people They enclosed their yard with a fence. I enclose herewith a check for 200 US dollars. 7.spade n. Call a spade a spade. 直言不讳, 有啥说啥 8. extinguish v. 1. put out 使熄灭,扑灭 2. end the existence of (hope, love, passion etc.) 使(希望、爱情、感情等)破灭 Someone has extinguished the lights in the kitchen. 9. fragment n. [C] a small piece or a part, esp. when broken from sth. whole 碎片,碎块,断片 9. fragment v. (cause to) break into small pieces or parts (使)成碎片 10.sensible a. ~ of sensitive a. ~ to a sensible woman sensible clothing sensible ideas sensible shoes for mountain climbing sensible phenomena a sensible fall in the temperature Some plants are very ______to light; they prefer the shade. A. sensible B. flexible C. objective D. sensitive (2003.12.CET-4) D. : affected greatly or easily by sth.易受影响的,敏感的 一些植物对光很敏感,他们喜阴。 A human’s eyesight is not as ______ as that of an eagle. A. eccentric B. acute C. sensible D. sensitive (2002.1.CET-6) B. 人的视力不如鹰的敏锐。 11. resistant adj. 抵抗的,对抗的 phrases check on: make sure that sb./sth. is correct, safe, etc., as by examination 检查 make a difference have an effect on sb. or sth (对某人或物) 起作用,紧要 It makes great difference to a job seeker if he or she has some working experience. 对找工作的人来说,如果有些工作经验就大不一样了。 一个星期的假期对她的健康有很大帮助。 A weeks holiday made a lot of difference to her health.


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