大学英语unit4Study of the text.ppt

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大学英语unit4Study of the text

Contents All the Time Words, Phrases or Sentences … one evening. (Line 2, Para. 1) … the next evening, … (Line 12, Para. 5) The next two days, … (Line 19, Para. 8) Summer passed into fall . (Line 27, Para. 11) The months passed. (Line32, Para. 13) One day… (Line 34, Para. 14) What does a gardener do? A to mow to weed to sweep to clean up to take care of to lift to fix B the garden the yard the lawn any little tasks heavy objects the walks things Language Points: Para.s 21 ~ 22 Line 55, Para. 21 From then on, it was interesting to see that any discarded odds and ends around our place… 2 Ss sum up what Tony achieved at this time interval (Para. 17 ~ 21) Tony bought a house with Mr. Crawfords help. 在克罗弗德的帮助下,托尼买了房子。 As time went by,Tony not only adapted himself to American society but also achieved success step by step. Language Points: Para.s 23 ~ 26 What was Tony’s dream? He loved the tomatoes and peppers and all the other vegetables important to his Italian diet. 他喜欢蕃茄、辣椒以及意大利菜肴中重要的其它各种蔬菜。 To own a farm Did he realize his dream? How did he fulfill his dream? Yes. Language Points: Para.s 23 ~ 26 He had hunted around the edge of town until he found a small, abandoned piece of property with a house and shed. (L 66-67, Para. 26) What does “property” refer to? 他在小镇周边到处找,终于找到一小块没人要的地产,有一幢房子,还有一间小棚子。 “Property” refers to the farm he wanted to buy. Ss sum up what Tony achieved at this time interval. (Para.s 22 ~ 27) bought a farm, sent for his family in Italy and persuaded his friend to do business with him. …买了农场,从意大利接来了家人 并资助朋友来美国共同经营。 Tony Language Points: Para.s 27 ~ 28 29 30 Language Points: Para.s 29 ~ 30 我让公司的人去他家看看,确保各项事宜都得到妥善安置。 I asked our people to check on his family and see that everything was properly handled. They found the farm green with vegetables, the little house livable and homey. There was a tractor and a good car in the yard. The children were educated and working, and Tony didn’t owe a cent.


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