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Unit 2 Marrakech George Owell Teaching Contents Ⅰ. Additional background knowledge Ⅱ. Introduction to the passage Ⅲ. Detailed study of the text Ⅰ . Additional Background Knowledge 1.?George Orwell 2.?Morocco 3. Marrakech George Orwell George Orwell (pen name) Eric Arthur Blair (1903 – 1950) British novelist and essayist,born in India. Orwell was famous for his political satires. He was an uncompromising individualist and political idealist. Orwell argued that writers have an obligation of fighting social injustice, oppression, and the power of totalitarian regimes Orwell is famous for his terse lucid prose style and good at the appropriate use of simple but forceful words to describe objectively the scenes before his eyes. His works: Animal Farm (1945) Down and Out in Paris and London Burmese Days Coming up for Air A Clergyman’s Daughter Keep the Aspidistra Flying His well-known essays: Shooting an elephant A Hanging Marrakech Politics and the English Language Morocco In North Africa, on the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean, Morocco is the farthest west of all the Arab countries. Location: Capital: Rabat Population: about 18,000.000 Brief history: Morocoo was inhabited in the stone age by cave dwellers; about 2000B.C. it was settled by Berber tribes, who had formed the basis of the population ever since; The Arabs invaded Morocco in the 7th century,bringing with Islam; from the end of the 17th century until the early 19th century Morocco was almost entirely free from foreign influence. But in 1912, a Franco-Spanish agreement divided Morocco into 4 administrative zones. Morocco gained independenc


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