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大学英语三级(A) 常考作文解析 信函(letter) 感谢信参考句型: Thank you very much for… I am so grateful to you for… It was kind and generous of you to … Many thanks to you for… We are indebted to you … 道歉信参考句型: I’m very /terribly/ awfully/extremely sorry for/that / to … Please accept our apologies for … I regret that / to say that … We (must) apologize for… Please accept our apologies again. We hope that this has not caused you any inconvenience. With apologies once again. 证明信参考句型: To whom it may concern (给有关人士,是证明信的固称呼) This is to certify that …(兹证明:…) 邀请信 Would you please accept my invitation to … I hope you have time to come to the … It’s great if you would come. Why not come together with us? 投诉信 I am writing to you about… There is/are something wrong with… I am complaining about… It’s very upset/ angry to find that… 推荐信 I have the pleasure of introducing to you Mr,/ Miss. … She/ He is very hard-working, reliable and has achieved excellent performances in … Hope you could offer help if needed. 慰问信 I am very sorry to learn that … I was shocked /saddened/distressed/grieved to hear that..... I just can not tell you how sorry I was to learn that...... We are hoping/hope for/to/that..... 预定信 I would like to book/reserve..... Please send me rates for..... I wish to arrange for.... If …, please let me know. 咨询信 Could you please tell me the information about… I should be very obliged to you if you would kindly send me information about … I’m looking forward to your early reply. If …, would you please let me know. 通知(Notice) 启事(Announcement) 海报(poster) 电子邮件(E-mail) 简历 (resume) Family Name: First Name: Address: Tel.No: Date of Birth: Place of Birth: Sex: female/ male Marriage: single/ married/divorced Educational Records: Employment History: memo 标题 Memo (MEMO) 收件人 To: 发件人 From: 发文日期 Date: 事由 Subject: 正文 Message * * 右上角为写信人详细地址 日期 下一行左边顶头为收信人详细地址 称呼, 正文 结尾敬词, 签名 International Programs Cambridge University


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