大学英语专业词汇学PPT Chapter 1.ppt

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大学英语专业词汇学PPT Chapter 1

The 3 basic elements of English: speech sounds grammar vocabulary Lexicology: A branch of Linguistics which studies the origins and meanings of words. To be specific, they include aspects like the formal and semantic structure, semantic relationships, word formation and usage, the historical development and evolution of words, etc. Aims and Significance of the Course: 1) To know the general rules of word formation which helps us enlarge our vocabulary. 2) To foster the ability to use “the right word”. As a saying goes, “Right words in right places makes a good writing.”. 3) To have a better awareness of language (English). 4) To get a deeper understanding of the culture of foreign countries. To sum up, English Lexicology is a theoretically-oriented course as well as a practical one. Chapter I The basic concepts of words and vocabulary Objectives: Introduce a definition of a word; Put forward the three main principles of lexical classification; Elaborate on the features of basic word stock and non-basic vocabulary. Teaching focus: Definition of a word Definition of vocabulary Classification of words Basic word stock and non-basic vocabulary Content words and functional words Native words and borrowed words 1.1 What is a word? A word is a minimal free form of a language that has a given sound, meaning and syntactic function. 词是具有一定的声音、意义和语法功能,能独立运用的最小的语言单位。 Simple words: Complex words: 1.2 What is vocabulary? The total number of the words in a language. All the words used in a particular historical period. All the words of a given dialect, a given book, a given discipline and the words possessed by an individual person. 1.3 Sound and meaning A word is a symbol that stands for something else in the world. E.g., dog, woman, bird, tree, etc. What’s the relationship between sound and meaning? Arbitrary(任意性) Conventional(规约性) Arbitrary: no logical relationship Conventional: people of t


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