大学英语_Face to Face with Hurricane Camille.ppt

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大学英语_Face to Face with Hurricane Camille

2) characters: --Pop Koshak --Grandma Koshak --John Koshak* (protagonist) --Janis Koshak a typical American family --Seven children three generations, friend, neighbors It pumpled the Gulf, Missip. We got to know different characters in the story and also the reason why he would not abandon his business. They made methodic preparations for the coming of hurricane. All the necessary information is provided to help the readers to understand the story. Development (7 – 27) 1. Main idea: The writer builds up and sustains the suspense in the story by describing in detail and vividly the incidents showing how the Koshaks and their friends struggled against each onslaught(突击,猛攻) of the hurricane. Development (7 – 27) 2. Questions to discuss 1).Why did Charlie think they were in real trouble when he found the water tasted salty? 2). Why did Grandmother koshak, at this critical moment, tell her husband she loved him? 3).Why did John Koskak feel a crushing guilt? Development (7 – 27) 4.Why did Grandmother Koskak ask the children to sing? 5.What did Janis understand when John put his arm around her? Development (7 – 27) 3.Language points 1.whip fall heavily on (para 7) “Wind and rain now whipped the house”. 2. shatterbreak suddenly and violently into small pieces storm-shattered panes 3.douse put out; throw water over “ the generator was doused”. (P.9) Development (7 – 27) 4.kill stop “ the electrical systems had been killed by water”. (para 11) 5.scramblemove in a hurry; crawl As they scrambled back, Development (7 – 27) 6.shudder—to shiver convulsively, as from fear or revulsion; shift—change position or direction The house shuddered and shifted on its foundations. 7.inch one’s way rising little by little (inch by inch) “Water inched its way up the steps”. (para 13) Development (7 – 27) 8.on the verge (margin, edge, brink) of—be near (close) to She was so unhappy she was on the verge of committing sui


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