大学英语修辞学Chapter 4.ppt

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大学英语修辞学Chapter 4

Chapter 4 Choice of Words 4.1 Use suitable words Human thought is communicated through words. All similar words have shades of meaning. A slight alteration in wording can subtly shift the meaning. Example: Fascinating variety of words: Walk—march, pace, patrol, stalk, stride, tread, tramp, step out, toddle, prance, strut, prowl, plod, stroll, shuffle, stagger, sidle, trudge, ramble, roam, saunter, meander, lounge, loiter, creep … The word we use should match the idea we want to express. 4.2 Denotations and connotations Denotation (外延): the specific, direct meaning of a word Connotation (内涵): the associative or suggestive meaning of a word Words with similar denotations often have different connotations. activists, agitators, supporters These activists built a symbolic shanty on the green. These agitators threw up an eyesore right on the green. These supporters of human rights challenged the university’s investment. A word acquires its connotations by its historical or social associations, and by its habitual use: Fireside: warmth, cheerfulness, good companionship General connotations: connotations shared by most people mother, home, peace, liberty, angel: favorable associations, miser, radical, monster, reactionary: unfavorable associations Personal Connotation People differ in their experiences; their emotional responses to a word may also be different. snake , dog, seaside The connotations change: propaganda--‘a reliable and trustworthy source of information’– slanting, deception Sly – skillful-- tricky 枳勾来巢,空穴来风。小姐 Connotations vary with the context. the Gang of Four “Let’s get the gang together for a party tonight.” 家伙 Denotation of a word can be found in the dictionary, but its connotation can be acquired only by carefully observing how the word is used. 4.3 General words and specific words A general word 泛指 refers to a group or a class; a specific word特指, refers to a member of that class. tree -- general oak, elm, poplar -- specific genera


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