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10.3 Metonymy转喻 Metonymy is the substitution of the name of one thing for that of another. In metonymy, the name of a referent (or thing referred to) is substituted by the name of an attribute, or entity related in some semantic way, or by spatial proximity, or another kind of link. In metonymy, the two unlike things do not have common quality but are closely associated: When we speak of one, the other will come up to our mind. Therefore, we can use one to substitute the other. bottle—alcoholic drinks; sword—war and destruction; the press—newspapers, reporters The Caribbean and Pacific islands form an empire on which the dollar never sets. 星条旗永不落。 Sources of metonymy 1. Body part as a name for the sense, behavior or ability. 1) He has a good ear for music. 2) He has a sharp tongue. 3) To jaw-jaw is always better than to war-war. 吵吵总比打打好。(丘吉尔) 鲁迅的骨头是最硬的。 让我们来谈谈心吧! 2. Name of a person as a name for his/ her work or style. 1) Will you play me some Chopin? 2) Have you ever read Jack London? 慨当以慷,忧思难忘。何以解忧?惟有杜康。(曹操《短歌行》) 3. Name of a clear sign of an object or a person as a name for the object or the person. 1) The thirteen colonies got together to fight the red lobsters. 2) Those big noses, blue eyes and yellow hair taught them English. 纨绔不饿死,儒冠多误身。(杜甫《赠韦左丞》 4. Name of a place as a name for something produced or happened there. 1) He was behind the arras. 2) He met his Waterloo. 茅台,洋河 走麦城 5. Instrument or container as a name for the method, position or substance. 1) The hall applauded. 2) The kettle is boiling. 大江东去,浪淘尽千古人物。 6. Trade mark as a name for products. 1) Joanne burned Player after Player in her nervousness at his father’s eccentric and preoccupied driving. (John Updike) (a brand of cigarettes) 2) He was driving a Ford. (a Ford car) 格力,劳斯莱斯 7. Location as a name for some government, institutions or enterprises. E. g.: Wall Street --- U. S. financial center; Hollywood --- American film-making industry; 北京,中南海,中关村 The basic “strategy” in metonymy


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