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英语泛读期末考试复习资料【权威】 Unit 1 ? ? ?love ?????????blaze:burn strongly and brightly; give off bright light.? ?????????wilted:? not firm, limp 枯萎,蔫,凋谢 ?????????Collie:a middle-sized dog with long hair, kept as a pet ortrained to control sheep? 牧羊犬 ?????????whistle:to make a high or musical sound by blowing air out through your lips? 吹口哨 ?????????clearing:a small area in a forest where there are no trees 小块空地,林中空地 ?????????sprout:v. start to grow, producing萌芽 ?????????sick:v. to attack, to urge a dog to attack 唆使狗去攻击 ??? The dust flew in tiny swirls behindour feet. ?????????swirl:moves round and round quickly; a swirling movement or amount of sth. ?????????bullblacksnake? ---?? she-blacksnake ?????????Bobwas jumping and snapping at the snake so as to make it strike and throwitself off guard. ?????????snap:to bite sth. abruptly; to say sth. quickly in an angry way? 猛地咬住;呵斥 ?????????offguard: to surprise someone by happening when they are not expecting sth. orprepared for it 不警惕,不备 ?????????copperhead:venomous but sluggish reddish-brown snake 铜斑蛇,美洲腹蛇 ?????????Hedoesn’t rush to do it. He takes his time and does the job well. ?????????rush:do sth. as quickly as possible仓促完成; 迅速移动; 急促 ?????????takehis time: do sth. with no haste and self-confidently 从容进行 ?????????Iwondered why itwas crawling toward a heap of black loamy earth at the bench of thehill. I wondered why it had come from the chest-nutoak sprouts and the matted greenbriars on the cliff. ?????????I wasconfused why the snake left the cliff where is safe and full of delicious food,and it crossed the danger road to the black earth. ?????????loamy:fertile 肥沃的 ?????????benchof the hill: the foot/bottom of the hill ?????????sprout:n. any new growth of a plant such as a new branch 嫩芽 ?????????我很好奇为何刚刚它正向小山边的黑壤土堆爬去。我同样好奇它为什么会离开悬崖上板栗橡树的嫩芽和绿色荆棘丛。 ?????????Shewas so beautifully poised in the sunlight. Bob grabbed the white patchon her throat. He cracked her long body likean ox whip in the wind. He cracked it against the windonly.


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