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Unit 5 Section A Exercises Vocabulary and word building 组内分工: 一、找资料 Ⅲ(季颖、周慧娟) Ⅳ(雷琪、杨成旭) Ⅴ(郑舒琦、林玲、陈瑶) Ⅵ(杜曼秋、吴菊苹) 二、PPT制作 黄嘉福、何宇辰、李志忠、梁博麟 Ⅲ 1.After a while as an ambulance driver, you get_________ to what you see at accidents. 扩展与补充: · at accidents 在事故中 · by accident 偶然,意外地 · at all accidents 不管怎样 · by all costs 不惜一切代价 hardened Ⅲ 2.My sole object was to get_______ from the snow, to get myself covered and warm. 扩展与补充: · get shelter from 从……中得到庇护 · get oneself + adj 让自己+(形容词) shelter Ⅲ 3.If we take all the factors into account, his chances of winning the election were______. 扩展与补充: · take sth(factors……) into account把……考虑在内 =take sth into consideration slim Ⅲ 4.It will only ______his position if he continues to stick to his strange ideas。 扩展与补充: · stick to 坚持 =insist on =persist in =keep up =stand on =adhere to weaken Ⅲ 5.________thousands of people watched the football game. literally:确实的,真正的 Literally Ⅲ 6.The most noticeablechange was in my younger brother, who had grown quite a bit and was now a third-grader. noticeable:显而易见的,明显的,引人注目的 7.I am supposed to be resting and relaxing, but it is just a wholebunch of different things that have happened. a bunch of:一束,一群,一堆 Ⅲ 8.Day and night Martin could not_____ his mind from the failure he had suffered. 扩展与补充: · drag down 向下拖 · drag in 插入讨论中,拉进 · drag on/out 拖延 the与名词连用,表示一类人或一类事物; the failure失败 drag Ⅲ 9.I would be_______ if you would mail this package for me. 扩展与补充: · be grateful for 为……而感谢 · be grateful to sb for sth 因某事感谢某人 grateful Ⅲ 10.The young man was _______on heroin (海洛因)and lost his job and his wife. 扩展与补充: · hook on 挽住手臂,迷上,着迷 · hook up 以钩钩住 · hook kick 勾踢 · hooked ( adj. )钩状的,吸毒成瘾 的,入迷的


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