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Part IV Assignments 1. Write a synopsis of Text A in about 200 words. 2. Recite the words and phrases in Unit 7. 3. Listening book. 韩都衣舍男装衬衫专卖店 / 天猫孕妇装秋装 / 韩都衣舍女士时装店 / 韩都衣舍官方网站 韩都衣舍实体店在哪里 / Unit 7 Making a living Part I pre-reading tasks Lead-in question In order to make a living, people do all walks of life. Can you list some of them? Listening task Listen to the song She Works Hard for the Money sung by Donna Summer and then think over the following questions. (See P222) Questions: 1. How did Onetta make a living? 2. Why does the singer think Onetta should be treat right? 3. What is the message of the song? 4. Would you rather have a low paid job that is interesting or a well paid job that is boring? Warm-up question How many students have ever been a salesperson? If yes, can you describe your experience? Roleplay If you are the salesperson, how will you persuade the customers to buy your goods. Please roleplay it. brand name, presentation, labeling, packaging, instructions, reliability and after-sale service Useful Expressions for Your Performance: This is our (model). It costs (price). It’s suitable for (purpose). We can deliver (from stock). It’s available in (color) and (size). We can offer a discount of ( %). Discussion What are the basic qualities of a good salesperson? courage physical fitness patient hard work imagination pleasing tone of voice willpower / stamina 毅力 … Part II Text A Background information Sales promotion 1. definition The work of selling a product by all useful methods. 2. Methods pictures 3. Four stages of promoting a product Scanning Text organization 1. Scan the text and finish one exercise. 2. Read the text and finish the Text organization Exercise 12. (P 232-233) Detailed analysis Part 1(1--7) Questions: 1.What does Bill Porter look like? 2. What helps him make up his mind not to give in? 3. What does he do for a living? 4. What are the weapons he assembles each morning before he starts out on his journey?


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