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2011 4 4 Journal ofChinese Computer Systems Vol1 32 No. 4 2011 L inux 1, 2 2 2 高 超 , 韩 锐, 倪 宏 1 ( , 230027) 2 (, 100190) E-m ail: gaoc@ dsp. ac. cn : 不同的动态内存分配算法往往应用于不同场景面向于不同业务, 因此衡量指标不一, 性能各 . 针对多模式多业务 的数字电视终端, 本文提出了一种嵌入式 L inux平台内存管理方案, 深入剖析了共享内存的原理及方法, 采用共享内存技术支 撑多业务开展, 同时实现了一种使用二级索引策略的动态内存分配算法, 复杂度为O ( 1), 相比其他经典算法, 实时性高而碎片 率低, 仿真性能良好,并在嵌入式平台上实施,取得了不错的效果. : ;; L inux; : TP311 : : 1000-1220( 2011) 04-0614-05 M em oryM anagem ent Solution in Em bedded L inux System s 1, 2 2 2 G O Chao , H N Rui, N IHong 1 (D epartment of utomation, University of Science and Technology ofChina,Hefei 230027, China ) 2 (NationalNetwork New M edia Engineering Research Center, Beijing 100190, China ) Abstract: D ynam ic storage allocation ( DS ) algorithm s are mi plemented in different environments and serv ices, where measure- ments and perform ances are differ from each other. In this paper, w e propo sed a m emory management so lution for Set-Top Box ( STB) w ithmult-imodes andmulti-services in order to achieve a high performance. W e analyzed the principles andmethods ofm em- ory sharing technology, and carried outmulti-serv icesw ith this techno logy. M eanwhile, we developed a new D S using two levelsof index, which tookO ( 1) tmi e of running. Comparing w ith other wel-lknown DS s, this DS had acceptable tmi ing behavior and produced low fragmentations. W e got satisfactory results both in the expermi ent and in real embedded system s. K ey words: mem ory m anagem ent; dynam ic storage allocation; L inux; m emory sharing 1 L inux, STM icroelectronics, Broadcom, Sigm a D esigns. L inux , , L inux ) ,, , L


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