大学英语第四学期课件Unit 8.ppt

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大学英语第四学期课件Unit 8

Focus1 content focus1highlights focus1starter focus1starter focus1starter Insurance Part Two 1. Dialogue: purchasing insurance 2. Text: Life Insurance Process Flow Do you remember this accident that happened in Wenzhou? The Danger of Lying in Bed The title of the text suggest that lying in bed is dangerous. The fact that most people lie in bed before they die leads to the belief that lying in bed causes people to die. This belief is an example of informal fallacy of false cause (因果谬误) and can be as much as error as to believe that roosters crow at sunrise every day the roosters therefore cause the sun to rise. The story was told in a serious tone as if the person telling the story didn’t know that he was funny, but we could still sense the author’s humor. This is in accordance with Mark Twain’s belief that the art of humor is in the telling of the story. He usually tells stories in a “rambling and disjointed” fashion and pretends that he does not know that they are funny at all. focus1text focus1text focus1text Scan the text and answer the following questions. focus1text focus1text focus1text focus1text focus1text Para. 5 I had been looking into this matter. focus1text focus1text focus1text focus1text focus1text focus1text eight passenger-trains each way every day — 16 altogether, and carried a daily average of 6,000 persons It was plain that the entire road must transport at least eleven or twelve thousand people every day. focus1text focus1text focus1text focus1text focus1text focus1text 倍数比较的表示法 1. X times + as +adj./adv.原级+as: A是B的X倍 e.g. Asia is four times as big as Europe. 2. X times +adj./adv.比较级+than: A是B的X倍 e.g. The cotton output was four times greater than that of 2006. 3. X times +the width (length, breadth, level, value, size) of:净增加X倍 e.g. The earth is 49 times the size of the moon. =The earth is 49 times as large as the moon. 4. half as many (much) as 是……的半倍 e.g. I have half as many books as she has. focus1text focus1text focus1text focu


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