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. Text Analysis 1 Text Structure 2 Understanding the Text 3 Summary Text Analysis 1 Text Structure 2 Further Understanding Understanding the Text Multiple Choice for Part 1 Questions Answers for Part 23 Summary Multiple Choice for Part 1 Please choose the best answer for each of the following after scanning Part1.(3minutes) 1. Father found the ad _____________. A) in the newspaper B) on the doorknob C) in the magazines D) on the bag 2. The ad _______. A) showed a way to avoid the indignity to ask for money B) offered an easy job for college students C) offered a way to make money easily by delivering ads D) taught children how to ask for money from their parents 3. Father advised his two college-age sons to think about taking a job because________. A) his sons had asked for too much money B) his sons asked for money without minding the indignity C) he could not support his family. D) he was pained to see his sons’ response to his suggestion Summary Writing Two college-age boys undertake (投递) ___________of ad inserts (为了避免老是向人讨钱而有失尊严) _________________________ At first, they think it is (轻而易举的事) , just like the message printed on the bag (“轻轻松松赚大钱”) But it turns out to be a hard job. They have to finish the delivery before the (规定的时间) so they hire their younger brothers and sisters and neighborhood children to help for five dollars an hour. Yet soon the children (罢工) and demand more and see the color of cash. To get them to return to work, the college men agree to (增加每小时一块钱奖金) __________________ to the “worker” who fills the most bags, even though this will (减少他们的利润) . The job is finally (做完) . After (结完帐) ________________ with


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